Multilingual business

Freelance translators needed! Global business and collaboration depend on the expertise of language professionals. Want to share your skills?

What makes freelance translators needed?


The world is globalized, and it needs freelance translators to go round.

What's Zingword got to do with that?

We help freelance translators promote their services to those who need them.

Direct clients are looking for freelance translators who possess the skills they need. We're here to help those two sides meet and collaborate.

And here's how.

Freelance translators have a need for an online presence.

...and our profiles have them covered. A Zingword profile is like an online CV - only upgraded. It features your best selling points as a translator, including your favorite subject matter and past jobs.

So, how much?

Nada. We help translators find the clients who need them, free of charge.

Translators should be at the center of the business, not the end. All we do is provide a chance to connect, free of charge.


Oh, and one more thing - freelance translators need to be paid fairly.

And we know it. Translators using Zingword get to set their own prices for the language pairs and subject matters they work in. A freelance translation job well done deserves to be paid quality rates.

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